About us
Web Cameras

Thank you for visiting our new Internet site. Our former web site host pulled the plug on their service, so we're constructing a new site.  Please be patient, and let us know if you would like to help or have any recommendations.

Next ALBC Membership meeting
is Thursday January 24
7:30 PM at the Old Firehouse.

Pictures of damage after Hurricaine Sandy 


It seems like many of you have changed your email address or provider in the last few months.  If you are one of those who did change, can you send an email to Joe@AvonLakeBoatClub.com ?  We're trying to gain efficiency and cut costs by communicating via email Vs. hard mail, and I'm afraid we may have to go back to hard mail in order to keep in touch with our members.  (Same for phones ... if you have abandoned your land lines, can you update us with your cell numbers?)